BijouPlay 2.0 is a scriptable and recordable application for many of its basic features. This document covers which AppleEvents BijouPlay supports, and how to use them through AppleScript. Because of it's scriptability and recordability, BijouPlay is an excellent choice for QuickTime movie playback when browsing through the World Wide Web.
Supported AppleEvents
BijouPlay supports the following events from the Required Suite :
Ñ Open Application
- causes BijouPlay to launch
Ñ Open Documents
- open document(s) with BijouPlay
Ñ Print Documents
- currently returns as not handled (will be supported in future versions)
Ñ Quit Application
- causes BijouPlay to quit
BijouPlay defines the following events in the Bijou Suite (Suite ID 'BjSu') :
Ñ Create New Movie Object (Event ID 'NewM')
- causes a new empty movie window to be created
Ñ Close Movie Object (Event ID 'ClsM')
- closes the specified movie object
Ñ Play Movie Object (Event ID 'Play')
╨ causes the specified movie object to begin playing
Ñ Stop Movie Object (Event ID 'Stop')
- causes the specified movie object to stop playing
The Bijou Apple Event Suite will expand in the future as more QuickTime features are added to it and BijouPlay. There will be support for movie editing (cut, copy, paste) in the near future, as well as the ability to retrieve information about a movie's state through Apple Events (eg. Playing, Size, Volume, etc.) If you are interested in contributing to the evolution of this suite, please send us some e-mail regarding your ideas, we'd love to hear them.